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Remlap d'Or Belgians 1-905-939-7183
In the Barn
Brood Mares Stallins Young Stock Geldings
Remlap d'Or Belgians is known and respected for a pedigree of champions. Whether you are looking for your next champion mare, stallion or gelding or just interested to see our young stock, come in and see for yourself what's in the barn...
Brood Mares
Edie Martini Remlap Bannergirl Colby Remlap Constance Edie Johne
Remlap Edie
     Remlap Bannergirl
Remlap Constance
Edie Johne
Centre View Rosie
Centre View
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Creek Lane Pat
Remlap Jack Daniels
Remlap He's A Tenn
Creek Lane Pat
     Remlap Jack      Daniels
Remlap He's
A Tenn
Bacon Nick's Fury Remlap Palmer
Bacon Nick's Fury
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Young Stock
Stanan's Annie Savoy Remlap MVP Ace's Brindy
Remlap MVP Ace's Brindy
Remlap BB Remlap Tia Maria
Remlap Swizzle Stick Remlap BB Remlap Tia Maria
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Remlap Dimitri
Remlap Dimitri
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